Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pak boxing officials elated at India's participation

KARACHI: Pakistan Boxing Federation officials were on Thursday elated when a seven member Indian boxing squad - first sports delegation to travel

to Pakistan after last year's Mumbai terror attacks - reached here for Shaheed Benazir Bhutto international tournament.

Teams from Syria, Yemen, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Cameroon, Kenya, Iraq and Afghanistan have also reached here for the high profile event with the Chinese Taipei, Myanmar, Vietnam and Chinese teams arriving later.

Tournament Coordinator Iqbal Hussain received the Indian team at the Karachi Airport and described their arrival a big step towards resumption of sporting ties between the two countries.

The Indian squad that includes three boxers and a coach in Shiv Singh who told the media they were looking forward to the tournament.

"It is a big tournament and it is a good opportunity for our boxers to compete against competitors from many other countries," Singh said.

Asked why India had not brought more boxers for the tournament being held in 11 different weight categories, Singh said India had concentrated on those categories in which they were strongest.

He said that his squad was happy to be in Karachi and hopefully would enjoy their stay in Pakistan.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani is due to open the tournament on January 2 at the KPT sports complex with the provincial government providing state level security for the participating boxers and officials.

"The government is on high alert specially after the warning given out by the Taliban that they were planning more attacks after the suicide bomb attack on the Muharram procession on Sunday," a senior police official said.

Indian boxers in Pakistan for international championship

Karachi : India's [ Images ] seven-member boxing contingent – the first sports delegation to travel to Pakistan after last year's Mumbai terror attacks [ Images ] – on Thursday brushed aside security concerns after arriving in Karachi for an international boxing championship starting on Friday.

"We have no security concerns, the focus is on boxing and the rest is in the hands of our hosts," Indian coach Shiv Singh said after landing in Karachi.

Sanjay Singh (51kg), Naresh Singh (91kg) and Parnoj Singh (81kg) will compete in the event that will also feature boxers from Cameroon, Mangolia, Kenya, Afghanistan, Chinese Taipei, Myanmar and China.

Pakistan Boxing Federation chief Doda Khan Bhutto said more than 5000 security personnel would be deployed around the tournament venue and hotel where the teams would be staying.

"The government is aware that after a long time we are hosting such a big international sporting event and we want to ensure it is held smoothly and successfully as this would pave the way for more teams to come to Pakistan in other sporting events as well," Sindh sports minister Muhammad Ali Shah said.

Shiv Singh advocated a resumption of sporting ties between India and Pakistan, which has become a virtual pariah internationally especially after the March 3 terror attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore [ Images ].

"Pakistan and India must compete against each other, more so that they can improve and win more laurels at the international level," Singh said.

Indian team in Pakistan for boxing contest

Karachi - India sent their first sports team to Pakistan in more than a year on Thursday as a seven-member boxing team flew into Karachi to compete in a international tournament.

The boxers are the first Indian sports team to cross the border since India stalled sporting links with Pakistan after the November 2008 attacks on Mumbai, which New Delhi blamed on militants based in Pakistan.

India refused to allow their cricket team to tour Pakistan late last year, citing security fears.

Pakistan sent tennis, squash and snooker players to compete in India last year but New Delhi resisted sending their own sportsmen to Pakistan.
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'India and Pakistan are doing well at an international level and need to compete against each other'
The peace process between the two nuclear armed neighbours, which have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947, collapsed after the Mumbai attacks.

Head coach of the Indian boxing team, Shiv Singh, said the boxers were happy to tour Pakistan.

"We have been cleared by the government to take part in the event and all the members of the squad are very happy to be here," Singh told reporters at the airport in Karach, Pakistan's financial capital.

Mohammad Ali Shah, the sports minister in Sindh province of which Karachi is the capital, promised foolproof security arrangements in the wake of a suicide attack that killed 43 people in the city on Monday.

On March 3, an attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore killed eight people and wounded seven Sri Lankan players and a coach, all but destroyed Pakistan's hopes of hosting top-level international sport.

Three Indian boxers - Sanjay Singh, Naresh Singh and Parnoj Singh - will compete in the international event named after former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated in December 2007.

The organisers expect around 20 teams to compete in the week-long contest, which begins with an opening ceremony Friday.

Singh said both India and Pakistan are doing well at an international level and need to compete against each other.

"Pakistan and India must compete against each other, more so that they can improve and win more laurels at the international level," said Singh. "We have come here with good preparations and want to win."

Singh shrugged off security concerns, saying he has faith in the organisers.

"We have no security concerns, the focus is on boxing and the rest is in the hands of our hosts."

Teams from Iraq and Afghanistan are also due to compete in the event in which Pakistan will field two teams. - Sapa-AFP

Iraq Boxing Team Arrived for SBBIBT 2010

KARACHI – The sixteen-member boxing contingent from Iraq was given red-carpet welcome when it arrived here Wednesday to appear in the nine-day Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Boxing Tournament starting here from January 1 at Benazir Bhutto Sports Complex.
The team was given special handling by the immigration authorities as the members of the team led by Manager Ghazi Abdulsamad Ahmed arrived in the immigration lounge.
Later, the team members were garlanded by Pakistan Boxing Federation special reception committee before the contingent was driven to the hotel.
The Iraqi contingent is: Hasan Ali Shakir 48 KG), Mustafa Raad Shayyal (51 KG), Hussein Aqeel Salim (54 KG), Mustafa Qasim Abd Tareef (57 KG), Raeed Hashim Zgher (60 KG), Omar Kifah Khadim (64 KG), Ahmed B Jassem (69 KG), Thoalfokar Abd Alkareem (75 KG), Mustafa Mohammad Challoob (81 KG), Alaa Hussein Jasim (91+ KG), Ghazi Abdulsammad Ahmed, Team Manager, Raad Khraibet Jurmut Team Official, Hussein Jasim Khalaf, team coach-1, Tareq Hilo Hameed, team coach-2, Kareem Qasim Khenyab, referee/judge, Sajid S Radhi Al-Lami Official.
The Iraqi team is second foreign team to arrive for the tournament which will be formally opened here January 1 at Benazir Bhutto sports complex KPT. Yemen team arrived here on Tuesday.
The boxing squads from Uzbekistan are due to land here some time late on Wednesday night. Uzbekistan has entered a six member squad in the competition.
The team includes three boxers and three officials.
They are: Mahmudove Alisher (48kg), Nazarov Olimjon (51kg), Khujabekov Shokhrukh (57kg), Makhmudov Olimjon (ASBC ITO), Tursunov Hamid (Referee/Jugde) and Usmanov Khabibulla (coach).
In the meantime the AIBA appointed technical delegate Mrs. Nieva Embuldenia of Sri Lanka visited the venue of the tournament to personally inspect the facilities there. She expressed her satisfaction on the arrangements. Officials of Pakistan Boxing Federation accompanied her to the venue.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Boxing to go ahead on schedule ,Doda Bhutto

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Boxing to go ahead on schedule

KARACHI, Dec. 29 (APP): A top official of Pakistan Boxing Federation (PBF), Doda Khan Bhutto said on Tuesday that Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Boxing Championship will go ahead despite suicide bomb blast here in the city on Monday.“Bomb blast is a big tragedy for the whole nation and we are mourning with all,” he told APP in an interview.He said he had contacted the Federal Interior Secretary in Islamabad and did get a security clearance from the Government.
PBF Chief said none of the countries who had reconfirmed their participation have sent any regret viz a viz thei participation in the championship following the suicide attack.

He said considering the current situation, the security in and around the team’s hotels and venue will be further beefed-up.
The 24-nation event is being staged at KPT’s Indoor Gymnasium from January 1 to 9.

He said 15 of the participating countries have also sent their travel itinerary.
Doda Khan said he also met President Asif Ali Zardari in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh during the second death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto, who assured him all the financial assistance for holding the prestigious event.
He said, apart from the special grant from the Federal Government, Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Qasim Ali Shah has also promised to provide special grant for the championship.
He said an estimated budget ranging in the tune of Rs. 70 to 80 million will be required for the event.

He informed that Federal Sports Ministry has sanctioned Rs.One million for the event, however, the money will be transferred in PBF accounts next month.
In the meantime, PBF Secretary Akram Khan said a 13-member Yemen squad including seven boxers and six officials has already arrived in Karachi.
Technical delegate of the event Nieva Embbuldinya of Sri Lanka also arrived here alongwith her husband on Sunday.

PBF Secretary said a 13-member Iraq contingent with eight boxers will be landing here late Tuesday night while a 7-member Uzbekistan team with four boxers and three officials will be landing here on Wednesday.
He said training arrangements for the pugilists have been in the team’s hotel.
He said despite some difficulties, the arrangements for holding the competition are in full swing.

He said a meeting of PBF officials with Sindh Sports Minister Dr.Muhammad Ali Shah will be held on Wednesday to discuss various issues related to holding of the championship in a befitting and smooth manner.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cameroon, Kenya, Central Africa pugilists to train with Pakistan team

KARACHI, Dec. 26 (APP): Around 15 visiting boxers from Cameroon, Kenya and Central Africa will stay back in Karachi to undergo training and sparring with Pakistan team in preparations for next year’s South Asian Games, Commonwealth Boxing and Asian Games, Pakistan Boxing Federation (PBF) announced here on Saturday.“We have discussed and finalized the programme with visiting team officials in their respective countries and they have agreed to stay back in Pakistan for training,” Secretary PBF Akram Khan told APP here.

He said the national boxing association in these three countries have given their consent to their boxers to stay back after the inaugural Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Boxing Championship being staged at KPT Sports Gymnasium from January 1 to 9.
“This will be a month long training camp supervised by Pakistan’s Cuban coach and by visiting coaches,” he said.

He said all three countries are featuring in any international event for the first time and they got good boxers in their team. “The joint training session in the camp will be beneficial for all the four countries,” he said.
“Africans are rough and tough boxers and sparring with them will very be valuable for Pakistan boxers,” he commented.

Akram Khan said PBF would be providing Cameroon, Kenya and East Africa free boarding and lodging and some pocket allowance during their stay here. He said such training abroad would have cost heavily.
He said 2010 is very important year for Pakistan boxing because of hectic international schedule and sparring with Cameroon, Kenya and Central Africa will prove very fruitful.

PBF Secretary said they are fully geared-up to stage Shaheed Benazir Bhutto showpiece international event in befitting manner.
“This will be major breakthrough for sports as it will open gates for international sports in Pakistan,” beaming PBF Secretary said.

He said they are facing some difficulties in finances and securing their Digital Scoring Machine to be used in the event. However, he said efforts are being made to get the system without custom duty.

He said except for Philippines majority of the countries would be taking part. Philippines have pulled out of the competition because of financial constraints.
Akram Khan said, PBF will be providing free boarding and lodging to all the participants and officials.

He said Federal Government has issued necessary permission to Pakistan High Commission to issue visas to eight-member Indian squad including four boxers.
He said international standard ring has already been installed at KPT Sports Complex. He said a strong 13-member Yemen squad will be arriving here in the wee hours of Tuesday.

24 countries confirm participation in BB boxing event

KARACHI: The preparations for Benazir Bhutto International Boxing Tournament in Karachi were in final stage as 24 countries are expected to participate in the event, organizers said.

“The tournament will be held at Benazir Bhutto Sports Stadium in Karachi from January 2-9,” President Pakistan Boxing Federation (PBF) Doda Khan Bhutto told ARY News.

The federation has invited 29 countries and received 24 confirmations.
Boxing light welterweight world champion Amir Khan will be the chief guest of the tournament, he added

Friday, December 25, 2009

World Champion Boxer Amir Khan to visit Pakistan next month


KARACHI: The British-born Pakistani boxing sensation Amir Khan, who rose to fame after being crowned WBA world light-welterweight champion on July 18 this year, will be visiting Pakistan with his parents from Jan 7 to 10.

Though the itinerary of his maiden visit to Pakistan is being chalked out, Amir will show his world-title belt to the people particularly, the youth, to inspire them towards the sport. He will also share his success with people of the country.

The proposed visit has been arranged by Pakistan Boxing Federation particularly for the upcoming an international Boxing event named in memory of late former Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Boxing Tournament Which will be held from 1st to 9 January at Benazir Sports complex Karachi Pakistan.

Up to 20 countries will taking part in said mega event one of the best and historical event at Pakistani soil.

World Champion British born Pakistani Boxer Amir Khan will be the chief guest. Said in a statement Spokesmen of Pakistan Boxing Federation.

Born in Bolton on Dec 8, 1986, the 5’10” pugilist defeated Andrean Kotelnik at the age of 22 to land WBA world light-welterweight title.

Previously, Amir was in the lightweight division where he held the Commonwealth and WBA international titles. He was also the youngest British Olympic boxing medallist when he won a silver medal at the 2004 Olympics.

Amir, who began boxing competitively at the tender age of 11, turned pro in 2005.