Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Boxing: bringing people together

It was a great moment for international relations when Indian boxers took part in the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Tournament in Karachi, Pakistan earlier this month, showing once again that boxing is not just for entertainment: it also brings people and countries together.

In a delightful contradiction, the Pakistani tournament showed that boxing as a combat sport can make a positive difference. For the first time since the Mumbai terrorist attacks in India in November 2008, an Indian sports team took part in an international event in Pakistan. "We have been cleared by the government to take part in the event," head coach Singh said, "and all the members of the squad are very happy to be here."

Other countries have had similar successes with boxing: For example, the relationship between Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina is good during boxing events despite the legacy of conflict. These countries have organized many tournaments and, in the ring, many of the former enemies have become friends and sporting opponents.

With the AIBA Youth World Championships coming up in Baku, Azerbaijan in April, the Armenian Boxing Federation sent an official letter addressed to AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu to ensure the safety of the Armenian athletes during the championships due to unresolved territorial issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan over an enclave called Nagorno-Karabakh in Southwestern Azerbaijan.

"If they want to take part in the event, then I do not see any problems," said Mr Agajan Abiyev, vice-president of the Azerbaijan Boxing Federation. "This tournament will be the qualifying event for the Youth Olympic Games, so the desire of the Armenian side is clear to us."

Only boxing could accomplish such a treaty for sports between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Even when the International Football Association (FIFA) drew these two countries in the same qualification group, they could not organize the matches and both of them were cancelled. Despite the political situations of today, we hope that boxing and other sports will continue to bring athletes and fans together.

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