Wednesday, January 20, 2010

PPP-led Sindh Govt ignores its leader's name event

KARACHI When the Pakistan Boxing Federation initiated the move to hold the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto International Boxing tournament it was confident that the PPP-led Sindh Government would not only make financial commitment towards the expenses but would also own the event because it was being held in the name twice prime minister and the leader of the PPP.
But to their disappointment and chagrin the Sindh Government showed no enthusiasm to support the event and remained aloof from all the activities related to the tournament in which as many as 24 foreign countries either sent the teams or the technical officials.
Young president of Pakistan Boxing Federation Doda Khan Bhutto related to the former prime minister had decided to initiate hosting of the tournament in order to create soft image of Pakistan and Pakistan sports which had suffered due to attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore last March. It was a move appreciated by all the sports officials of Pakistan who were praying that the event might be held successful without any incident.
It was important because it would help in improving the image of the country worldwide.
The PBF head did every thing possible to draw the attention of the provincial government but he or the federation did not get the warm response they were expecting.
The PBF approached the chief minister for an appointment three months ago but they did not get it until December 27 during the second death anniversary of the Benazir Bhutto at Garhi Khuda Bux when the chief minister found some time to meet a delegation of the PBF led by Doda Khan Bhutto.
The chief minister was pleasantly surprised when told that an international boxing tournament was being held in the name of the great national leader at Karachi. The provincial chief executive during the brief meeting asked the PBF officials that why was he not be informed about the event earlier. He probably did not know that the PBF was trying to contact him for the last three months.
The chief minister welcomed the initiative of the PBF for hosting the event in Karachi and promised that the provincial government would provide financial and other support for the event.
A fortnight has passed since that meeting in Garhi Khuda Bux but the promised financial support has still not reached the PBF which has to pay hotel and travel bills to the foreign teams that has started leaving after the successful conclusion of the tournament on Saturday night.
According to first estimates, the PBF needed close to Rs 60 million to organise the tournament which was allotted to the PBF on request. The federation approached the presidential secretariat and the prime ministers secretariat and the Sindh government for financial and other support.
Only the prime minister secretariat responded and released around Rs 23 million just when the foreign teams had started arriving in the city.
An organiser of the tournament on condition of anonymity said he and his other colleagues were surprised with the cold manner with which that the provincial government and particularly the PPP provincial minister had responded to the tournament.
The PBF had extended invitation to the ministers to come to the KPT sports complex on each of the eight days of the tournament but surprisingly no minister except the provincial sports minister Dr MA Shah showed up at the well guarded venue.
The Sindh sports ministry led by the coalition partner of the PPP in province coordinated with the PBF and provided support but there was no support from any other provincial ministry or the ministers added the organiser with a tinge of sadness.
He said after successfully holding the tournament, the PBF would be face to face with the hardest part of the event which was to settle the bills as the host. Hotel and travel bills had to be paid at the earliest and any delay would only bring poor name to the PBF and the provincial government which is led by PPP, he added.
He, however, expressed gratitude to the Federal sports minister Ejaz Hussain Jhakrani, Inter Provincial minister Pir Aftab Shah Jillani, POA president Gen Arif Hasan and Sindh sports minister Dr MA Shah for taking interest in the organisation of the event and visiting the opening and the closing ceremony of the tournament.
He was also thankful to the Sindh police and Sindh Rangers for providing good security to the teams, at tournament venue and the hotel during the course of the tournament.
He also thanked the FIA Immigration department for helping both the incoming and departing foreign teams. The Immigration authorities ignored minor mistakes in travel documents and facilitated both the arrival and departure of the teams. The team of Central African Republic was given special concessions when one of their boxers arrived here without adequate travel documents. Similarly, during departure both the Indian and Uzbekistan teams were accommodated at the airport to allow them to catch the flights in time.
Teams have started departing for home and four teams left here Saturday morning and more will leave by evening flights.

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